The Superior Man - Preview - Don MacDonald

The Superior Man - Preview

By Don MacDonald

  • Release Date: 2017-08-14
  • Genre: Spirituality


”The Superior Man” is an introduction to spiritualism. While many people now openly believe in spirits and things metaphysical, they may still not understand much about them. What is a spirit, and what is a spiritualist? This book is a personal take on spiritualism as philosophy, and discusses how it may profoundly affect a person’s outlook on life. While the concepts may be surprising or difficult for some to accept, they are presented in a lighthearted way, with a sincere desire to affect readers positively - and by extension the world in which we all live.

This preview version of ”The Superior Man” is offered at no cost, and contains the foreword and first three chapters. I believe this should be sufficient to help people decide if they like the book or not.

As of this writing, the book is not finished. I have nonetheless been encouraged to present the preview version of it now, with hope that some interest in the project may be generated. Read more about it at
