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  • Cute

    By Jenobles1
    Big fan? Then read it
  • Slower Paced

    By Bones_Girl
    I loved getting to know the characters more but this was a slow read for me. But I am also a very impatient person. 😅
  • Disappointed

    By Neacyj
    Don’t waste your money on this one
  • More…

    By AshTay123!
    I wanted more. More of each character. More detail into who, what and why they are who they are. I feel like everything was left unfinished. There is just so much more to these characters and I wanted to read more.
  • It’s the “What happens Next” that we don’t always get.

    By AlyssaRayB
    I have been reading all of these books in this series for the past week and have finished this book. I am ready for the next. My favorites by far have been the second and third book. However, this one is getting so much hate that I felt I needed to say something. If you are not someone who wants to know what happens after the end of the story then don’t read this book. However, if you are someone who wishes for more of the good moments in a book or more of each person’s story then you’ll enjoy this book. It’s nice to see our characters just living without constant threat and being able to take a breath.
  • This book was mostly filler

    By e2steez
    Reading this book is not necessary at all. I just want to understand Nesta and Elain a bit more and the book gives nothing on what’s really going on with those 2 characters and it drove me crazy. Read if you want but this book can be skipped.
  • Not what it seems

    By Oh_autumn
    Not as exciting but necessary for the plot.
  • Loved

    By sierraxbrook
    I seriously loved this book. It really shined a light on the other characters in the series stories. I don’t think filler is necessarily a bad thing. This book answers a lot of questions and I feel explains why certain characters acted how they did.
  • So boring

    By Fbakare
    The worst in the series, reading this book was hard
  • Unpopular Opinion

    By ldog108
    I actually loved this book. It was such a good way to bring in the others stories while still getting all the Rhys and Feyre love. You got to look to see how things went after the war and the PTSD they went through. But family through it all. Showed how much Rhys and Feyre love each other.
