The Mischievous Mirror - Oliver T Spedding

The Mischievous Mirror

By Oliver T Spedding

  • Release Date: 2023-10-08
  • Genre: Fiction for Kids


Mikey is a mirror in the bathroom of the Jones' house but he is an unusual mirror in that he can change the images that he reflects. He can turn a reflection upside-down and even change the reflection of a person into a completely different image such as a clown. He can even change the reflection of a dog into a cat. The Jones family put up with Mikey's antics for a while but eventually Mister Jones replaces the mischievous mirror with an ordinary mirror and Mikey is sent to the attic. Mikey becomes very lonely in the attic with nothing to reflect. Is Mikey destined to spend the rest of his life in the attic? A fun read with a simple message.
